Friday, 13 August 2010

This is my latest buy and in a surprising twist it is devoid of technology .

It is totally handmade in India and contains handmade paper as well ...These are the kind of skills we need to maintain in the world .

Now , people who know me will be screaming about Lo-Tech and other such nonsense but occasionally we need to step away from phone note takers (like the one on the iPhone4) and do it the PROPER way ....Imagine yourself sitting in a coffee shop reading Kerouac , would you rather be doing it on a iPad looking like a dick ? or doing it on a battered copy that has been read to death and lived many lives with many people ? I know which i'd choose .


Sunday, 8 August 2010

I find these Caterpillar boots quite inspiring , they are currently inspiring me to get out and about , take walks etc .

They've also inspired me to look for more artisan items , items that improve with age and with the wear that life brings . I don't know why but they remind me of an old expedition boot and I love that !!

I imagine the next few posts will include leather items , wooden items and other stuff that , like myself (ha) will age gracefully

Saturday, 7 August 2010

I find myself recently mourning the (almost) death of the artisan ...The Leather Worker , The Book Binder , The Cobbler etc .

I don't imagine I'm the only one who feels as if everything is being standardised , from clothes to furniture and everything in between right up to people's 'taste' .... for example , where are all the youth cults ? the little pockets of 'in' crowds who have their own style and even in some cases their own language . You don't have to harken back that far to the 70's and 80's when you had Mods, Skins , Punks , Rockers , Casuals , Soulies ..... everybody was SOMETHING and within all those cults there was sub-cults of differing styles ..... WHAT DO WE HAVE NOW ?

What i would say is find a style you like , however outlandish it is and stick to it , buy classic and buy good , ignore fashions and keep a note of your thoughts