I find myself recently mourning the (almost) death of the artisan ...The Leather Worker , The Book Binder , The Cobbler etc .
I don't imagine I'm the only one who feels as if everything is being standardised , from clothes to furniture and everything in between right up to people's 'taste' .... for example , where are all the youth cults ? the little pockets of 'in' crowds who have their own style and even in some cases their own language . You don't have to harken back that far to the 70's and 80's when you had Mods, Skins , Punks , Rockers , Casuals , Soulies ..... everybody was SOMETHING and within all those cults there was sub-cults of differing styles ..... WHAT DO WE HAVE NOW ?
What i would say is find a style you like , however outlandish it is and stick to it , buy classic and buy good , ignore fashions and keep a note of your thoughts